cerrojo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerrojo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cerrojo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Cerrojo refers to a locking device, typically a metal bolt used to secure doors or gates. It can also refer more generally to a mechanism to trap or fasten something securely. The term is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, particularly in the context of security and construction. Its frequency of use is moderate; it is commonly known and understood, especially in contexts related to locks and security systems.

Example Sentences

  1. El cerrojo de la puerta estaba oxidado y no cerraba correctamente.
  2. The bolt of the door was rusted and did not close properly.

  3. Siempre asegúrate de que el cerrojo esté bien colocado antes de salir.

  4. Always make sure that the lock is properly placed before leaving.

Idiomatic Expressions

Cerrojo is not commonly featured in specific idiomatic expressions. However, it can appear in phrases relating to security or taking precautions. Below are a few examples:

  1. Poner cerrojo a los recuerdos.
  2. To put a lock on memories (meaning to let go of past memories).

  3. Estar como un cerrojo.

  4. To be as tight as a bolt (referring to someone being very tense or uptight).

  5. Cerrojo de seguridad.

  6. Security bolt (used to refer to an additional lock for safety).


The word cerrojo originates from the Latin term serrāculum, which is a diminutive form of serra, meaning saw, implying a cutting or fastening mechanism. The evolution of the term reflects its usage in locking and securing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Candado (padlock) - Traba (lock)

Antonyms - Desbloquear (unlock) - Abrir (open)
