certero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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certero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "certero" is commonly used in Spanish to refer to something that is precise, accurate, or effective. It often conveys a sense of certainty or correctness in the context it is used. "Certero" can be used in various contexts, including everyday conversation and military situations. In daily usage, "certero" suggests a high degree of confidence in a statement or action.

The frequency of use is relatively high, especially in oral communication, but it is also common in written texts, particularly in formal or descriptive contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El tirador fue certero y logró acertar en el blanco.
    The shooter was accurate and managed to hit the target.

  2. Su análisis fue certero, y la empresa pudo evitar pérdidas.
    His analysis was precise, and the company was able to avoid losses.

  3. Necesitamos una decisión certera para avanzar en este proyecto.
    We need a certain decision to move forward with this project.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "certero" may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, it can still be used in phrases that highlight its meaning. Here are a few such expressions:

  1. Tener un golpe certero.
    To have a sure hit.
    El boxeador tiene un golpe certero que lo ha llevado a la victoria.
    (The boxer has a sure hit that has led him to victory.)

  2. Un diagnóstico certero.
    An accurate diagnosis.
    El médico realizó un diagnóstico certero que ayudó al paciente a recuperarse rápidamente.
    (The doctor made an accurate diagnosis that helped the patient recover quickly.)

  3. Razonar con certera confianza.
    To reason with certain confidence.
    Ella siempre razona con certera confianza en sus decisiones.
    (She always reasons with certain confidence in her decisions.)

  4. Tomar una decisión certera es clave en este negocio.
    Making a certain decision is key in this business.
    Tomar una decisión certera en esta situación es fundamental para el éxito.
    (Making a certain decision in this situation is fundamental for success.)


The term "certero" is derived from the Latin word "certus," which means "certain" or "sure." The transition into Spanish maintains this connection to notions of accuracy and certainty.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Exacto (exact) - Preciso (precise) - Seguro (sure) - Fidedigno (trustworthy)

Antonyms: - Inexacto (inexact) - Impreciso (imprecise) - Inseguro (uncertain) - Dudoso (doubtful)
