certidumbre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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certidumbre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "certidumbre" is a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "certidumbre" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /seɾtiˈdumβɾe/.

Translation Options

The word "certidumbre" can be translated into English as: - Certainty - Assurance - Conviction

Meaning and Usage

"Certidumbre" refers to the state of being certain or having no doubt about something. It is often used to describe a feeling of confidence or assurance regarding information, events, or situations. The word is commonly utilized in both written and oral contexts, although it tends to appear more frequently in formal or written language, such as in philosophical texts, academic discussions, or legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. La certidumbre de su decisión le permitió avanzar sin dudar.
  2. The certainty of his decision allowed him to move forward without hesitation.

  3. Muchas personas buscan la certidumbre en un mundo lleno de cambios.

  4. Many people seek certainty in a world full of changes.

  5. La certidumbre es clave para tomar decisiones efectivas.

  6. Certainty is key to making effective decisions.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "certidumbre" may not frequently appear in a large number of idiomatic expressions, it often appears in phrases that emphasize the concept of certainty or assurance. Here are a few expressions:

  1. Sin certidumbre - without certainty
  2. Trabajar sin certidumbre no es fácil para muchos empleados.
  3. Working without certainty is not easy for many employees.

  4. Con toda certeza - with all certainty

  5. Puedo afirmar con toda certeza que terminó a tiempo.
  6. I can affirm with all certainty that it was finished on time.

  7. A falta de certidumbre - in the absence of certainty

  8. A falta de certidumbre, es mejor esperar antes de actuar.
  9. In the absence of certainty, it is better to wait before acting.


The word "certidumbre" derives from the Latin term "certitūdo," which means certainty. The root "certus," meaning certain or sure, is also the origin of related terms in other languages, such as "certain" in English and "certaine" in French.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Seguridad (security) - Convicción (conviction) - Confianza (confidence)

Antonyms - Incertidumbre (uncertainty) - Duda (doubt) - Inseguridad (insecurity)

This information provides a comprehensive look at the word "certidumbre," its usage, and its relevance in the Spanish language.
