certificado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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certificado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/θeɾ.ti.fiˈka.ðo/ (in Spain)
/seɾ.ti.fiˈka.ðo/ (in Latin America)

Translation options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "certificado" refers to a document that serves as proof or confirmation of something, usually issued by an authorized body or entity. It can relate to various domains, such as education (like a diploma certificate), legal matters (like a marriage certificate), health (like health certificates), and more. The word is commonly used both in spoken and written contexts. Its frequency of use is relatively high due to its relevance in formal situations and documentation processes.

Example Sentences

  1. El certificado de nacimiento es un documento necesario para la identificación.
    The birth certificate is a necessary document for identification.

  2. Necesito el certificado de trabajo para postular a este empleo.
    I need the work certificate to apply for this job.

  3. Ella se graduó con un certificado de excelencia académica.
    She graduated with a certificate of academic excellence.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "certificado" does not have widely recognized idioms in Spanish, but it is commonly associated with expressions regarding documentation and validation. Below are some usages that might not be idiomatic but are common expressions that include "certificado":

  1. El certificado de antecedentes penales es fundamental para conseguir un trabajo.
    The certificate of criminal record is essential to get a job.

  2. Su certificado de salud le permite asistir al evento.
    His health certificate allows him to attend the event.

  3. Siempre es buena idea tener un certificado de estudios reciente en su currículum.
    It is always a good idea to have a recent certificate of studies on your résumé.

  4. Antes de viajar, verifica que tu certificado de vacunación esté actualizado.
    Before traveling, make sure your vaccination certificate is up to date.


The word "certificado" originates from the Latin "certificatum," which is the past participle of "certificare," meaning to make certain or to confirm. The Latin roots emphasize the act of certifying or confirming something officially.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Comprobante (receipt or proof)
- Título (degree or title)
- Documento (document)

- Anulación (cancellation)
- Describir (to describe, in the sense of not certifying or producing proof)

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "certificado," its frequency of use, examples, and its role within the Spanish language.
