cervical - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cervical (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cervical" is primarily used in medical contexts to refer to anything related to the neck (cervical vertebrae) or the cervix (of the uterus). This term is often used in discussions regarding anatomy, physiotherapy, or medicine. It is considered a formal term, frequently found in written texts such as medical literature, articles, studies, and reports, although it can also appear in spoken language, especially in medical contexts. Overall, the frequency of use can be classified as medium in specialized discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La tensión cervical puede causar dolores de cabeza.
    Cervical tension can cause headaches.

  2. Es importante realizar ejercicios para fortalecer la región cervical.
    It is important to perform exercises to strengthen the cervical region.

  3. Los traumas cervicales deben ser evaluados por un especialista.
    Cervical traumas should be evaluated by a specialist.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cervical" does not have widely used idiomatic expressions specifically associated with it, it does appear in medical phrases and contexts that are significant. Here are some examples:

  1. Síndrome cervical
  2. El síndrome cervical es una condición muy común entre las personas que trabajan muchas horas en la computadora.
    Cervical syndrome is a very common condition among people who work many hours on the computer.

  3. Dolor cervical

  4. El dolor cervical puede ser debilitante y afectar la calidad de vida.
    Cervical pain can be debilitating and affect quality of life.

  5. Lesión cervical

  6. Una lesión cervical puede tener consecuencias graves si no se trata a tiempo.
    A cervical injury can have serious consequences if not treated in time.

  7. Inmovilidad cervical

  8. La inmovilidad cervical suele ser recomendada tras un accidente para evitar daños mayores.
    Cervical immobilization is often advised after an accident to prevent further damage.


The term "cervical" comes from the Latin word "cervicalis," which means "pertaining to the neck" (from "cervix," meaning "neck"). This etymology underlines its anatomical significance relating to the neck and cervix.



There are no direct antonyms for "cervical," as it is a specific term relating to a particular part of the body. However, in more general terms, words that relate to other regions of the body, like "torácico" (thoracic) or "lumbar," could conceptually be considered opposites depending on the context.
