cesar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cesar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cesar" is primarily used as a verb in its infinitive form "cesar," which means "to cease" or "to stop." It can also be recognized as a proper noun, typically used as a male given name.

Phonetic Transcription

/θeˈsar/ (Castilian Spanish)
/siˈsar/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "cesar" is used to indicate the act of stopping an action or an event. It can refer to stopping a process, an action, or a condition. This verb is frequently used in both written and oral contexts, though its usage might slightly incline towards formal written language, especially in legal or military contexts where cessation of activities or procedures is relevant.

Example sentences: 1. Cesar las actividades se considera una medida de seguridad.
Stopping the activities is considered a safety measure.

  1. Es importante cesar el fuego en una guerra.
    It is important to cease fire in a war.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cesar" can be featured in various idiomatic expressions, often relating to stopping or ceasing something, particularly in formal contexts:

  1. Cesar en su empeño:
    To cease in one’s efforts.
    No debes cesar en tu empeño por mejorar. (You should not cease in your efforts to improve.)

  2. Cesar de hacer algo:
    To cease doing something.
    Ella decidió cesar de quejarse y buscar soluciones. (She decided to cease complaining and look for solutions.)

  3. Cesar el fuego:
    Cease fire.
    Ambos bandos acordaron cesar el fuego para negociar. (Both sides agreed to cease fire to negotiate.)

  4. Cesar las hostilidades:
    Cease hostilities.
    Es crucial cesar las hostilidades para alcanzar un acuerdo de paz. (It is crucial to cease hostilities to reach a peace agreement.)


The word "cesar" comes from the Latin "cessare," which means "to cease" or "to pause." This etymological connection highlights the idea of stopping or coming to a halt, which is intrinsic to the word's meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Detener (to stop) - Parar (to stop) - Suspender (to suspend)

Antonyms: - Continuar (to continue) - Persistir (to persist) - Proseguir (to proceed)

By understanding "cesar" in these contexts and usages, one can appreciate its versatility in the Spanish language across various domains.
