cese - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cese (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cese is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθese/ in Spain or /ˈese/ in Latin America.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cese refers to the act of stopping or ceasing something. It is often used in legal, economic, and military contexts to indicate the termination of an activity or process. The word can refer to the cessation of hostilities, the discontinuation of a contract or agreement, or even the ending of an employment relationship.

In terms of frequency, "cese" is more commonly found in written contexts, especially in formal documents, legal texts, and news articles. It is less frequently used in everyday oral conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El cese de hostilidades fue anunciado por ambas partes.
    The cessation of hostilities was announced by both parties.

  2. El cese de actividades económicas se debe a la crisis.
    The termination of economic activities is due to the crisis.

  3. Después del cese, los trabajadores reclamaron sus derechos.
    After the termination, the workers claimed their rights.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cese" is often used in various idiomatic phrases, especially in formal or legal contexts. Below are some expressions that incorporate the word "cese."

  1. Cese de funciones
    Cessation of duties
    El cese de funciones del director fue inesperado.
    The cessation of duties of the director was unexpected.

  2. Cese de labores
    Stop of work
    El cese de labores en la fábrica afectó a muchos trabajadores.
    The stop of work in the factory affected many workers.

  3. Cese temporal
    Temporary cessation
    Se anunció un cese temporal de actividades debido al mal tiempo.
    A temporary cessation of activities was announced due to bad weather.

  4. Cese de operaciones
    Ceasing operations
    El cese de operaciones de la compañía fue una decisión difícil.
    The ceasing operations of the company was a difficult decision.

  5. Cese del fuego
    El cese del fuego fue acordado tras largas negociaciones.
    The ceasefire was agreed upon after lengthy negotiations.


The word "cese" comes from the Latin verb cessare, which means "to cease" or "to rest." The transition into Spanish retained the meaning related to stopping or discontinuing an action.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Paro (stop) - Finalización (completion) - Interrupción (interruption)

Antonyms: - Inicio (start) - Continuación (continuation) - Actividad (activity)
