cesionario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cesionario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "cesionario" refers to the person or entity that receives rights or benefits from a contract or agreement, particularly in the context of assignments of rights or contracts in legal or financial domains. It is a word frequently used in legal documents and contracts, indicating the party that acquires these rights from the original holder.

In terms of usage frequency, "cesionario" is more commonly found in written legal texts rather than in oral communication. Legal professionals are likely to use the term in contract negotiations, agreements, and scholarly discussions related to the transfer of rights and obligations.

Example Sentences

  1. El cesionario deberá cumplir con todas las condiciones del contrato original.
    The assignee must comply with all the conditions of the original contract.

  2. La empresa eligió a un cesionario para gestionar los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
    The company chose an assignee to manage the intellectual property rights.

  3. El cesionario tiene el derecho de reclamar los beneficios del acuerdo.
    The assignee has the right to claim the benefits of the agreement.

Idiomatic Expressions and Usage

While "cesionario" does not form a significant part of many idiomatic expressions, it is fundamental in legal jargon describing the act of assignment and transfer. Below are some example sentences where "cesionario" is important in legal contexts:

  1. El contrato especifica que el cesionario debe notificar al cedente sobre cualquier cambio.
    The contract specifies that the assignee must notify the assignor of any changes.

  2. En caso de disputa, el cesionario podrá actuar en nombre del cedente.
    In case of a dispute, the assignee may act on behalf of the assignor.

  3. Es fundamental que el cesionario tenga claro los derechos que adquiere con la cesión.
    It is essential that the assignee clearly understands the rights acquired through the assignment.

  4. La validez del contrato dependerá de la aceptación del cesionario.
    The validity of the contract will depend on the acceptance of the assignee.

  5. Un cesionario que no cumpla con las condiciones podría enfrentar sanciones.
    An assignee who fails to meet the conditions may face penalties.


The word "cesionario" comes from the Spanish verb "cesionar," which means to assign or transfer rights. This verb is derived from "cesión," which refers to the act of yielding or assigning something, particularly in legal contexts. The formation follows common noun patterns in Spanish, where suffixes denote entities related to the action of the base verb.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview should provide a solid understanding of the term "cesionario" in the context of law and beyond.
