cesta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cesta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "cesta" refers primarily to a container made of woven materials, often used for carrying or storing items. In everyday Spanish, "cesta" can denote anything from a traditional basket used for shopping to decorative containers. The term is frequently used in both written and spoken contexts, though it appears more in written language, particularly in literature, recipes, and product descriptions.


  1. La cesta de frutas es muy colorida.
    The fruit basket is very colorful.

  2. Llevé una cesta al picnic para la comida.
    I brought a basket to the picnic for the food.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cesta" is commonly found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Coger la cesta (a alguien) - To take someone by surprise.
    No esperaba esa noticia; me cogió la cesta.
    I didn't expect that news; it took me by surprise.

  2. Hacer hueco en la cesta - To make room in a difficult situation.
    Tendremos que hacer hueco en la cesta si queremos que todos quepan.
    We’ll have to make room in the basket if we want everyone to fit.

  3. Echar la cesta (a alguien) - To take advantage of someone.
    No le eches la cesta a tu amigo; él siempre te ayuda sin esperar nada a cambio.
    Don’t take advantage of your friend; he always helps you without expecting anything in return.


The word "cesta" originates from the Latin term "cesta," which referred to a basket or container. This Latin term is further traced back to Greek origins, reflecting the continuity of basket-making traditions through various cultures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cesta" is a versatile noun in Spanish, both in meaning and usage, playing a significant role in daily conversations as well as idiomatic expressions. Its phonetics, history, and various translations add to the richness of the term in different contexts.
