cesto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cesto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cesto is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word cesto refers to a woven or constructed container, typically used for holding or carrying items such as fruits, vegetables, or laundry. It can vary in size and shape and is often made from materials like wicker, plastic, or metal.

In the Spanish language, cesto is used in both everyday conversations and written contexts. It is moderately common, and while it appears in both forms of communication, it might be more frequent in written contexts, particularly in descriptions involving storage or organization.

Example Sentences

  1. El cesto de basura está lleno y necesita ser vaciado.
  2. The trash basket is full and needs to be emptied.

  3. Compré un cesto para guardar la ropa sucia.

  4. I bought a basket to store dirty laundry.

  5. Ella llevó un cesto de frutas para la fiesta.

  6. She brought a basket of fruits for the party.

Idiomatic Expressions

While cesto is not commonly featured in established idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases focused on organization, cleanliness, or storage. Here are a few expressions that use the word along with example sentences:

  1. Cesto de la ropa sucia - refers to a laundry basket.
  2. Siempre dejo mi ropa en el cesto de la ropa sucia.
  3. I always leave my clothes in the dirty laundry basket.

  4. Tirar algo al cesto - means to throw something in the basket, often implying discarding it.

  5. Si no lo quieres, tíralo al cesto.
  6. If you don't want it, throw it in the trash basket.

  7. Cesto lleno - implies being overwhelmed or inundated with tasks or responsibilities.

  8. Mi mesa de trabajo está como un cesto lleno de papeles.
  9. My work desk is like a basket full of papers.


The word cesto comes from the Latin word cēstus, which similarly referred to a woven basket or container. This Latin root highlights the word's connection to objects designed for carrying and storage purposes.



This comprehensive exploration provides you with a contextually rich understanding of the word cesto in Spanish.
