ceta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ceta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Ceta" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "ceta" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈseta/.

Translation Options

The word "ceta" can be translated into English as: - "ceta" refers specifically to a type of fish known as "bluefin tuna." - In some contexts, it may also refer to inventory or stock, especially in financial terminology (though this is less common).

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "ceta" generally refers to the fish "bluefin tuna," a species that is highly regarded in culinary contexts, especially in sushi and sashimi. The word is not found as frequently in everyday conversation but may be more commonly encountered in discussions about gastronomy, fishing, or marine biology. It is predominantly used in written contexts, such as cookbooks, scientific literature, and restaurant menus, as well as in oral conversations related to food.

Example Sentences

  1. La ceta es uno de los pescados más apreciados en la cocina japonesa.
  2. The bluefin tuna is one of the most prized fish in Japanese cuisine.

  3. En el mercado, la ceta suele ser bastante cara debido a su escasez.

  4. In the market, bluefin tuna tends to be quite expensive due to its scarcity.

  5. La pesca de ceta está muy regulada para proteger la población de esta especie.

  6. The fishing of bluefin tuna is heavily regulated to protect the population of this species.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ceta" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, it could occasionally appear in contexts related to gastronomic culture or discussions about sustainable fishing practices. Here are a few broader expressions that might involve the concept reflected in "ceta":

  1. "Pescar en río revuelto."
  2. Meaning: To take advantage of a chaotic situation.
  3. Translation: "To fish in troubled waters."

  4. "A otro perro con ese hueso."

  5. Meaning: Used to reject something someone tries to convince you of.
  6. Translation: "To another dog with that bone."

  7. "No hay tal cosa como un almuerzo gratis."

  8. Meaning: Everything has a cost, even if it seems free.
  9. Translation: "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

Since "ceta" doesn't have many idiomatic expressions directly related to it, these examples illustrate general expressions related to fishing or food contexts.


The word "ceta" originates from the Latin word "sita," which means "a kind of fish." It has evolved over time in the Spanish language to denote specific fish species, including the bluefin tuna.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Atún (specific category of tuna).

Antonyms: As a specific term referring to a type of fish, "ceta" does not possess a direct antonym. However, in the context of types of fish, one might consider any other non-tuna fish as indirect antonyms (e.g., "salmón" for salmon).

This overview captures essential aspects of the word "ceta" and its usage in the Spanish language.
