cha - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cha (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cha" can be classified as an interjection in Spanish, primarily used in informal contexts.

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): /tʃa/

Translation Options into English

The word "cha" does not have a direct translation in English, as it is often used more as an expression of excitement, surprise, or as a sound for drawing attention. However, it can be compared loosely to "wow" or "hey" in some contexts.

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cha" is mainly used as an interjection in casual conversations. It can express various emotions, including excitement, joy, surprise, or to call someone's attention. It's often more prevalent in oral speech than in written contexts, indicating a more informal way of engaging with others.

Example Sentences

  1. "¡Cha, no puedo creer que hayas ganado el concurso!"
    "Wow, I can't believe you won the contest!"

  2. "Cha, tienes que ver este video, es increíble."
    "Hey, you have to see this video, it's amazing."

  3. "Cha, me sorprendiste con esa noticia."
    "Wow, you surprised me with that news."

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the word "cha" is used in various idiomatic expressions, primarily in informal and colloquial settings. Here are a few examples:

  1. Cha, qué sorpresa!
    "Wow, what a surprise!"

  2. Cha, me dejaste sin palabras.
    "Wow, you left me speechless."

  3. Cha, eso fue inesperado.
    "Wow, that was unexpected."

  4. Cha, qué nivel de creatividad!
    "Wow, what a level of creativity!"

  5. Cha, qué buena idea tuviste.
    "Wow, what a great idea you had."

  6. Cha, vas a tener que contarme todo.
    "Wow, you're going to have to tell me everything."


The interjection "cha" does not have a clear etymology as it is more of a colloquial sound than a word derived from Latin or other origins. Its usage likely stems from cultural expressions and the evolution of conversational language.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "cha" serves as a lively expression common in casual interactions, conveying excitement or calling for attention among speakers in informal environments.
