chabola - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chabola (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "chabola" refers to a makeshift shelter or dwelling, typically characterized by poor construction and minimal amenities. It is often associated with informal, substandard housing, especially found in impoverished areas or informal settlements (like shantytowns). In Spanish, "chabola" is frequently used in discussions regarding housing conditions, poverty, and social issues.

The frequency of use is moderate, often appearing more in written context when discussing socio-economic issues rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Los refugiados viven en chabolas al borde de la ciudad.
  2. The refugees live in shacks on the outskirts of the city.

  3. La chabola donde creció no tenía electricidad ni agua corriente.

  4. The hovel where she grew up had no electricity or running water.

  5. El gobierno está tratando de mejorar las condiciones de vida en las chabolas.

  6. The government is trying to improve living conditions in the shantytowns.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chabola" itself is not commonly found in established idiomatic expressions, it appears in phrases reflecting social issues. Here are a few sentences illustrating its use in a more figurative or broader context:

  1. Vivir en una chabola no es un sueño, es una dura realidad para muchos.
  2. Living in a hut is not a dream; it is a harsh reality for many.

  3. La chabola de nuestros sueños se convirtió en una pesadilla.

  4. The shack of our dreams turned into a nightmare.

  5. Él se siente atrapado en su chabola emocional, no sabe cómo salir.

  6. He feels trapped in his emotional hovel; he doesn’t know how to escape.


The term "chabola" is derived from the Arabic word "šabāla," which means a kind of hut or makeshift dwelling. The influence of Arabic on Spanish vocabulary is notable, owing to the historical presence of the Moors in Spain during the Middle Ages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tienda (tent) - Refugio (shelter) - Casucha (shanty)

Antonyms: - Casa (house) - Mansión (mansion) - Edificio (building)

This comprehensive overview provides a well-rounded understanding of the term "chabola" in the Spanish language and its implications in various contexts.
