chaco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chaco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word chaco is a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈt͡ʃa.ko/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Chaco
  2. Gran Chaco (referring to a specific geographical area)

Meaning and Usage

The term chaco primarily refers to a region characterized by scrubby forests and savannahs, particularly the Gran Chaco, which spans parts of Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil. In a more archaic context, it can be associated with certain geographical features or landscapes.

In general, “chaco” is not commonly used in everyday conversation and leans more towards written contexts within geographical, ecological, or historical discussions. Its frequency of use can vary regionally, with more prevalence in areas adjacent to the actual Chaco region.

Example Sentences

  1. El Gran Chaco es una vasta región que alberga una rica biodiversidad.
  2. The Gran Chaco is a vast region that hosts a rich biodiversity.

  3. Muchos pueblos indígenas viven en el Chaco, adaptándose a su entorno.

  4. Many indigenous peoples live in the Chaco, adapting to their environment.

  5. En el chaco, se pueden encontrar tanto paisajes áridos como zonas húmedas.

  6. In the chaco, both arid landscapes and wet areas can be found.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chaco" itself does not form part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can occasionally appear in regional sayings or discussions concerning the geography or ecology of the region. Here are a few examples using terms related to "chaco":

  1. "No hay lugar como el chaco para entender la diversidad cultural."
  2. "There is no place like the chaco to understand cultural diversity."

  3. "El chaco guarda secretos de antiguas civilizaciones."

  4. "The chaco holds secrets of ancient civilizations."

  5. "En tiempos de sequía, el chaco revela su verdadera naturaleza."

  6. "In times of drought, the chaco reveals its true nature."


The word chaco is believed to have originated from the Quechua word "chaku," meaning "to surround" or "enclosure." It reflects the natural characteristics of the landscapes it describes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pampa (in some contexts, although it refers specifically to a different ecosystem) - Selva (jungle, in specific contexts)

Antonyms: - Desierto (desert) - Montaña (mountain, in terms of contrasting ecosystems)

Although "chaco" primarily refers to a specific geographical area and ecology, it is less likely to have direct antonyms given its unique characteristics within the context of South American geography.
