chacra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chacra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Chacra
  2. Farm
  3. Small farm or ranch

Meaning of the Word

"Chacra" refers to a small farm or agricultural plot, typically found in rural areas of Latin America. It is often used in contexts related to agriculture, livestock, and traditional farming practices. The term can also imply a piece of land where crops are cultivated, and sometimes it indicates a family-owned farm that supports subsistence agriculture.

Usage Frequency

The word "chacra" is more frequently used in oral speech, particularly in rural regions and among communities involved in agriculture. However, it can also appear in written contexts such as articles, books, and discussions relating to farming.

Example Sentences

  1. En la chacra de mi abuelo cultivamos maíz y papa.
  2. In my grandfather's farm, we grow corn and potatoes.

  3. La chacra está rodeada de árboles frutales y un pequeño estanque.

  4. The small farm is surrounded by fruit trees and a small pond.

  5. Pasamos el fin de semana en la chacra disfrutando de la naturaleza.

  6. We spent the weekend at the farm enjoying nature.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chacra" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it plays a significant role within the context of rural life and culture. However, it can often pair with other phrases related to farming and agriculture.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Trabajar en la chacra es duro, pero gratificante.
  2. Working on the farm is hard, but rewarding.

  3. A veces, es mejor estar en la chacra que en la ciudad.

  4. Sometimes, it's better to be on the farm than in the city.

  5. La vida en la chacra tiene su ritmo y sus alegrías.

  6. Life on the farm has its rhythm and its joys.

  7. Aunque su chacra es pequeña, produce los mejores vegetales de la región.

  8. Although his small farm is little, it produces the best vegetables in the region.


The word "chacra" originates from the Quechua word "chakra," which means "field" or "cultivated land." This term reflects the agricultural heritage of the areas where it is predominantly used, showing a deep connection with traditional farming practices in the Andes and other rural landscapes.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "chacra" captures its significance and usage within Spanish-speaking contexts, emphasizing its agricultural roots and culturally rich implications.
