chafar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chafar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chafar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To crush
  2. To smash
  3. To mess up

Meaning and Usage

"Chafar" is a colloquial term commonly used in some Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Chile, to convey the idea of crushing, smashing, or ruining something—often in a careless or clumsy manner. It can refer to the physical act of damaging objects or also metaphorically describe situations where something is messed up or tampered with.

Example Sentences

  1. "Necesito tener cuidado para no chafar la comida en la nevera."
  2. "I need to be careful not to crush the food in the fridge."

  3. "No hagas eso porque vas a chafar el proyecto."

  4. "Don't do that because you are going to mess up the project."

  5. "Chafó la oportunidad de conseguir el trabajo al no enviar su currículum a tiempo."

  6. "He messed up the opportunity to get the job by not sending his resume on time."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chafar" is sometimes featured in idiomatic expressions related to failure or mishaps.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Chafar los planes"
  2. "Él siempre chafa los planes de los demás con sus quejas."
  3. "He always messes up other people's plans with his complaints."

  4. "Chafar la fiesta"

  5. "Ella llegó tarde y chafó la fiesta."
  6. "She arrived late and ruined the party."

  7. "Chafar en el trabajo"

  8. "No quiero chafar en el trabajo, así que tengo que prepararme bien."
  9. "I don't want to mess up at work, so I need to prepare well."

  10. "Chafar una relación"

  11. "El malentendido chafó la relación que tenían."
  12. "The misunderstanding ruined the relationship they had."


The origin of "chafar" is related to the Spanish verb "chafing," which means to crush or squash. Its informal usage likely stems from regional variations in colloquial Spanish, particularly in Chile, where the term has gained significance in everyday language.


  1. Aplastar (to crush)
  2. Destrozar (to destroy)
  3. Arruinar (to ruin)


  1. Salvar (to save)
  2. Conservar (to preserve)
  3. Mejorar (to improve)
