chalan - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chalan (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chalan" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

"Chalan" can be translated to English as "a dealer," "a broker," or "an intermediary." It can also refer to a specific role in the context of handling horses.

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chalan" is primarily used to denote a person who engages in the trade or negotiation of goods, often acting as an intermediary. In some regions, particularly in Mexico, the term can also refer to a horse dealer or an individual skilled in working with horses.

In technical or polytechnical contexts, "chalan" may refer to someone who facilitates agreements or deals between two parties. The frequency of use is moderate and can be found in both oral speech and written contexts, although it may appear more often in informal conversations regarding trades or dealings.

Example Sentences

  1. El chalan se encargó de negociar el precio del terreno.
    The dealer was responsible for negotiating the price of the land.

  2. Ella buscó un chalan para vender su coche antiguo.
    She looked for a broker to sell her old car.

  3. El chalan de caballos me recomendó este semental.
    The horse dealer recommended this stallion to me.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "chalan" is not very frequently used in idiomatic expressions, but it can sometimes appear in phrases related to negotiation or dealing. Here are some related examples:

  1. Hacer de chalan
    Significa actuar como intermediario en una negociación.
    To act as a broker in a negotiation.

En la compra de la casa, decidí hacer de chalan entre el vendedor y el comprador.
In the purchase of the house, I decided to act as a broker between the seller and the buyer.

  1. Chalanear algo
    Implica tratar de negociar o conseguir algo mediante astucia y habilidad.
    To negotiate or obtain something skillfully and carefully.

Si quieres ese contrato, tendrás que chalanear un poco.
If you want that contract, you will have to negotiate a bit.


The word "chalan" has its origins in the Spanish-speaking world, where it has evolved from terms associated with trade and negotiation. The roots can be traced back to the Spanish verb "chalanear," meaning to negotiate or deal.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Intermediario (intermediary)
- Corredor (broker)
- Negociador (negotiator)

- Vendedor directo (direct seller)
- Comprador (buyer)
- Desintermediado (disintermediated)

This provides a comprehensive overview of the word "chalan" within the specified domains.
