chalupa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chalupa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ tʃaˈlup.a /

Translation Options into English

  1. Chalupa (a type of boat)
  2. Chalupa (a type of Mexican dish)
  3. Chalupa (in some contexts can refer to a kind of small, crude vessel)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "chalupa" has a couple of primary meanings. Most commonly, it refers to a type of boat typically used for shallow water navigation, especially in Mexico and some regions of Colombia. Additionally, "chalupa" is also used to describe a Mexican dish that consists of a corn tortilla topped with various ingredients, similar to a taco but with a unique shape and preparation.

The term is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions and regional descriptions related to boating or fishing. It can be considered a colloquial term in many contexts, particularly in Mexico.

Example Sentences

  1. La chalupa navegó suavemente por el río.
  2. The chalupa sailed smoothly down the river.

  3. En el restaurante, pedí una chalupa con pollo y frijoles.

  4. At the restaurant, I ordered a chalupa with chicken and beans.

  5. Los pescadores usaban una chalupa pequeña para llegar a los bancos de peces.

  6. The fishermen used a small chalupa to reach the fishing grounds.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "chalupa" does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions but can be part of cultural references, especially relating to food or regional travel. However, the dish itself, in a culinary context, can be linked to various sayings or expressions related to food, such as "comer como un rey" (to eat like a king) or "a buen hambre no hay mal pan" (when you're really hungry, any food is good).

Here are some example sentences related to food expressions using "chalupa":

  1. Con una chalupa y una bebida fresca, comí como un rey.
  2. With a chalupa and a cool drink, I ate like a king.

  3. A buen hambre no hay mal chalupa, digo yo.

  4. When you’re really hungry, no chalupa is bad, I say.

  5. Siempre que llego a mi ciudad natal, tengo que comer chalupas.

  6. Whenever I return to my hometown, I have to eat chalupas.


The word "chalupa" originates from the Nahuatl word "chalupā," which refers to a kind of canoe or small boat. The term has been assimilated into Spanish while preserving its connection to its indigenous roots.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Canoe (for the boat meaning) - Bote (boat)

Antonyms: - Barco (large ship, as opposed to a small boat) - Yate (yacht - typically larger and more luxurious than a chalupa)

In the context of food, synonyms can include: - Taco (similar food item, though not identical in form or preparation) - Tortilla con relleno (tortilla with filling)

In culinary contexts, "chalupa" is often used within a specific niche, making its antonyms less relevant.
