chamba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chamba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chamba" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "chamba" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈtʃamba/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Job
  2. Work
  3. Employment

Meaning and Usage

"Chamba" is primarily used in a colloquial context across various Latin American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Argentina. The term refers to a job or work and is often used in informal conversations. It is more frequently used in oral speech than in written contexts. The word is particularly popular in everyday language among young people.

Example Sentences

  1. Tengo que conseguir una chamba para pagar mis cuentas.
  2. I need to find a job to pay my bills.

  3. Ella trabaja en una chamba que le gusta mucho.

  4. She works in a job that she likes a lot.

  5. La chamba en esta ciudad es difícil de encontrar.

  6. The work in this city is hard to find.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chamba" is often used in various idiomatic expressions across different Spanish-speaking regions. Here are a few examples:

  1. No hay chamba.
  2. There’s no work/job.
  3. This expression is used to indicate that there are no available job opportunities.

  4. Buscar chamba.

  5. To look for a job.
  6. This phrase is commonly used when someone is actively seeking employment.

  7. Hacer chamba.

  8. To do work/tasks.
  9. This is often used to emphasize that someone is diligently working on their responsibilities.

  10. Mejorate en la chamba.

  11. Improve at your job.
  12. This is an encouragement for someone to enhance their work skills or performance.

  13. Chamba mal paga, pero algo es algo.

  14. A poorly paying job, but something is better than nothing.
  15. This phrase expresses the idea that any job can be beneficial, even if the pay is low.


The origin of "chamba" is believed to come from the Quechua word "ch'amba," which means a task or job. Over time, it has been adopted into various Latin American Spanish dialects and has become a staple term in colloquial conversations.

Synonyms and Antonyms


