chambra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chambra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Use

The word "chambra" is commonly used in the Dominican Republic to refer to a room or chamber, particularly in a house, apartment, or similar dwelling. It can denote any private or particular space within a larger structure. The term is more frequently used in oral speech among Dominicans, and it represents a common part of everyday vocabulary.

Example Sentences

  1. "La chambra de mis padres es muy grande."
  2. "My parents' room is very large."

  3. "Necesito limpiar la chambra antes de la visita."

  4. "I need to clean the room before the visit."

  5. "Mi amiga vive en una chambra con vista al mar."

  6. "My friend lives in a room with an ocean view."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chambra" itself might not have a wealth of idiomatic expressions directly, it can feature in phrases that depict certain situations or states involving rooms. Below are some examples:

  1. "Estar en la chambra."
  2. "To be in the room." (Meaning to be isolated or private, often indicating someone is away from the main activity.)

  3. "Hacer chambra."

  4. "To make room." (Can imply making space for something or someone, both physically and metaphorically.)

  5. "La chambra está llena de recuerdos."

  6. "The room is full of memories." (Suggests that a space holds significant emotional value.)

  7. "No hay chambra para tanta gente."

  8. "There is no room for so many people." (Indicating overcrowding or lack of space.)


The term "chambra" is derived from the Spanish word "cámara," which historically referred to a chamber or room. Over time, "cámara" has evolved into various regional variants, with "chambra" being one of them, particularly in the Caribbean context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "chambra" is a versatile term deeply ingrained in everyday Dominican vocabulary that denotes personal or private spaces, and it can be used metaphorically in various expressions pertaining to memory, isolation, or social dynamics.
