chamuscar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chamuscar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (transitive)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "chamuscar" refers to the act of slightly burning or scorching something, usually in a way that only affects the surface. It is often used in relation to food, particularly when the outer layer of a piece of food is burned but the inside remains unaffected.

Frequency of Use

"Chamuscar" is used fairly frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions or when describing a specific cooking technique. It is more common in informal spoken Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. Chamuscar el maíz le da un sabor especial a los elotes.
    (Scorching the corn gives a special flavor to the corn on the cob.)

  2. Ten cuidado de no chamuscar la carne en la parrilla.
    (Be careful not to scorch the meat on the grill.)

  3. Al chamuscar las verduras, se intensifican sus sabores.
    (By charring the vegetables, their flavors are intensified.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "chamuscar" does not have many idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, but it can be integrated into phrases that convey related ideas. Below are examples that illustrate its usage in idiomatic contexts.

  1. “Apenas lo saqué del fuego, ya había chamuscado.”
    (As soon as I took it off the fire, it was already scorched.)

  2. “Si no prestas atención, vas a chamuscar todo lo que cocines.”
    (If you don't pay attention, you will scorch everything you cook.)

  3. “No te preocupes por el aspecto, lo importante es que no está chamuscado.”
    (Don't worry about the appearance, the important thing is that it isn’t burnt.)

  4. “Aprendí a chamuscar la carne para que quede más sabrosa.”
    (I learned to char the meat so it tastes better.)


The term "chamuscar" has its roots in the Spanish language, derived from a colloquial term likely related to the word "chamuscado," which means "singed" or "scorched." This indicates a slight burning effect, and it has regional significance, particularly in cooking contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Quemar (to burn) - Chamuscado (singed)

Antonyms: - Enfriar (to cool) - Deshidratar (to dehydrate)

This structured presentation provides essential insight into the word "chamuscar," covering its meanings, usage, and related language aspects.
