chamusquina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chamusquina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chamusquina" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Chamusquina" refers to the action or effect of singeing or charring something, particularly in reference to food that has been slightly burnt or scorched. In colloquial speech, particularly in Colombia and Costa Rica, it may also refer to a slight odor or sensation of burning. The word tends to be used more in oral speech than in written contexts, often in everyday conversations about cooking or describing an incident relating to heat exposure.

Example Sentences

  1. La carne se me fue un poco y quedó con chamusquina.
    The meat got a bit overcooked and ended up with a singed taste.

  2. El pan tiene un leve toque de chamusquina que le da un sabor especial.
    The bread has a slight char that gives it a special flavor.

  3. La chamusquina de la fogata era inconfundible en la noche estrellada.
    The singeing smell from the campfire was unmistakable under the starry night.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chamusquina" itself may not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions, its meaning contributes to various colloquial phrases, particularly in contexts relating to cooking or mishaps related to fire and heat.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar en una chamusquina
    To be in a predicament or tricky situation.
  2. Estaba tan preocupado por el examen que se sentía en una chamusquina.
    He was so worried about the exam that he felt he was in a tricky situation.

  3. No me dejas chamusquina
    You are not allowing me to have my peace or the ability to relax.

  4. Cada vez que me llamas, no me dejas chamusquina.
    Every time you call me, you don’t let me have my peace.

  5. Dejar todo chamusquina
    To leave everything in disarray or burnt.

  6. Si seguimos así, vamos a dejar todo chamusquina.
    If we keep this up, we will leave everything in disarray.


"Chamusquina" comes from the Spanish verb "chamuscar," which means to singe or to scorch. This verb likely has its roots in the Latin word "cāsum," which refers to falling or burning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Chamuscar - Quemar (to burn)

Antonyms: - Enfriar (to cool) - Conservación (preservation)

This contextual understanding illustrates that "chamusquina" is woven into both culinary contexts and colloquial vernacular, particularly in Colombia and Costa Rica. Its usage, while specific, serves as an important descriptor for experiences related to heat and cooking.
