chance - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chance (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chance" in English can function as both a noun and a verb. In Spanish, the equivalent term can vary based on context but is commonly translated as "oportunidad" (noun) or "arriesgar" (verb).

Phonetic Transcription

For the English word "chance," the phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /tʃæns/.

Translation Options into Spanish

Meaning and Usage

In English, "chance" refers to the possibility of something happening, an opportunity, or a risk taken. In Spanish, "oportunidad" signifies an opportunity or favorable circumstance, while "arriesgar" conveys the notion of taking a risk or chance.

Example Sentences

  1. Chance always favors the brave.
    La oportunidad siempre favorece a los valientes.

  2. You have a good chance to win the game.
    Tienes una buena oportunidad de ganar el juego.

  3. Don’t take unnecessary chances.
    No tomes riesgos innecesarios.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chance" does appear in a few idiomatic expressions in English, particularly regarding risk and opportunity. While the direct concept may not always translate precisely into a single Spanish phrase, there are related expressions that involve "oportunidad" or "arriesgar." Here are some examples:

  1. "Take a chance."
    Toma una oportunidad.

  2. "A last chance."
    Una última oportunidad.

  3. "By chance."
    Por casualidad.

  4. "No chance."
    Sin oportunidad.

  5. "Chance would be a fine thing."
    Sería una oportunidad genial.

  6. "To take your chances."

  7. "Not a snowball’s chance."
    No hay ninguna oportunidad.


The word "chance" originates from the Middle English word "chaunce," derived from the Old French "chance," which in turn comes from the Latin "cadentia," meaning "to fall," highlighting the idea of randomness or happenstance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This overview encapsulates the multifaceted nature of the term "chance," illustrating its significance in both English and Spanish, along with associated idioms and expressions.
