chancla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chancla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "chancla" refers primarily to a type of open-toe sandal or flip-flop that is often used casually or in informal settings. It is a common term in many Spanish-speaking countries and is generally associated with summer wear, beach outings, or being at home.

In terms of usage, "chancla" appears frequently in both oral and written contexts, although it may lean slightly more towards oral speech due to its casual nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella fue a la playa con sus chanclas nuevas.
  2. She went to the beach with her new flip-flops.

  3. Siempre llevo chanclas en verano porque son muy cómodas.

  4. I always wear flip-flops in summer because they are very comfortable.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chancla" is often used in idiomatic expressions, especially in Latin American cultures, and can have various connotations. Notably, it can symbolize parental authority or discipline.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Te voy a dar con la chancla."
  2. "I am going to hit you with the flip-flop." (This is often used humorously to refer to a parent’s threat to discipline a child.)

  3. "No te pongas las chanclas en invierno."

  4. "Don't wear flip-flops in winter." (This can be a warning about inappropriate choices or decisions.)

  5. "Con la chancla se disciplina a los niños."

  6. "With the flip-flop, children are disciplined." (This implies the cultural aspect of using chanclas as a tool of discipline.)

  7. "Se fueron de casa en chanclas."

  8. "They left home in flip-flops." (This suggests a casual or unplanned departure.)


The word "chancla" originates from the term "chancleta" in Spanish, which is derived from the Latin "cancella", meaning "grid" or "gate". The term evolved over time to refer specifically to a type of footwear.

Synonyms and Antonyms


