changa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

changa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options into English:


"Changa" has several meanings in Spanish. In some South-American countries, such as Argentina and Chile, "changa" is often used to refer to a temporary work shift or a small job. In Mexico and other countries, "changa" is a more affectionate term used to refer to a monkey.

The word "changa" is more commonly used in oral speech, especially in informal contexts.


  1. Spanish: Hoy tengo una changa en el supermercado. English: Today I have a work shift at the supermarket.

  2. Spanish: ¡Mira qué changa tan simpática! English: Look at what a cute monkey!

Idiomatic Expressions:


The term "changa" has its origins in the Quechua language, spoken by indigenous peoples in parts of South America. It evolved from the Quechua word "changu," which means monkey.

Synonyms and Antonyms: