chaparral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chaparral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chaparral" refers to a type of shrubby vegetation found primarily in the Mediterranean climate regions, particularly in areas like southern California and parts of Spain. It typically consists of dense, drought-resistant shrubs and small trees. The term is often used in geographic and ecological contexts.

Frequency of use: "Chaparral" is more commonly used in written contexts, especially in academic and environmental discussions, though it can also appear in oral conversation, particularly among people discussing botany or ecology.

Example Sentences

  1. El chaparral es un ecosistema vulnerable que necesita conservación.
  2. The chaparral is a vulnerable ecosystem that needs conservation.

  3. En California, el chaparral se caracteriza por su vegetación seca y resistente.

  4. In California, the chaparral is characterized by its dry and resilient vegetation.

  5. Muchos animales encuentran refugio en el chaparral durante el calor del verano.

  6. Many animals find shelter in the chaparral during the summer heat.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chaparral" is not frequently featured in idiomatic expressions, its regional importance in ecology can be represented in specific phrases related to environmental conservation. Here are a few expressions that can convey contextual meanings:

  1. "Estar en el chaparral"
  2. Significado: Refers to being in a situation that is difficult to navigate or tangled, akin to being in dense shrubbery.
  3. Ejemplo: A veces siento que estoy en el chaparral cuando trato de resolver este problema.
  4. Translation: Sometimes I feel like I'm in the chaparral when I try to solve this problem.

  5. "Sacar algo del chaparral"

  6. Significado: To extract something from a complicated or tricky situation.
  7. Ejemplo: Necesitamos una buena estrategia para sacar el proyecto del chaparral.
  8. Translation: We need a good strategy to get the project out of the chaparral.

  9. "Perderse en el chaparral"

  10. Significado: To become lost or disoriented in a complex situation.
  11. Ejemplo: Me perdí en el chaparral de detalles y no sé cómo avanzar.
  12. Translation: I got lost in the chaparral of details and don’t know how to move forward.


The word "chaparral" originates from the Spanish term "chaparro," which means "short" or "low," referring to the low-statured plants found in this type of vegetation. The origin of "chaparro" can be traced back to the Latin "cappa," which means hood or cap, likely referring to the shape of the bushy plants that resemble a cap over the ground.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Matorral (shrubland) - Arbusto (bush) - Monte (hillside)

Antonyms: - Bosque (forest) - Selva (jungle) - Llanura (plain)

This comprehensive breakdown of "chaparral" highlights its ecological significance and contextual usage within the Spanish language.
