chaparro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chaparro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chaparro" is primarily used as an adjective and can also be a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ t͡ʃaˈpar.o /

Translation Options into English

  1. Short (as an adjective)
  2. Dwarf (as a noun, though this usage could be considered pejorative)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chaparro" describes something or someone that is short or diminutive in size. It is commonly used in Mexico to refer to a short person but can also be applied to small plants or animals. The frequency of use is moderate, with the term being more prevalent in oral speech, especially in casual or colloquial contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ese niño es muy chaparro para su edad."
    (That boy is very short for his age.)

  2. "El chaparro árbol del jardín necesita más sol."
    (The short tree in the garden needs more sun.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chaparro" features in a few idiomatic expressions, often describing someone's height in a light-hearted or teasing manner.

Idiomatic Examples

  1. "No te preocupes, ser chaparro tiene sus ventajas."
    (Don't worry, being short has its advantages.)

  2. "Siempre le dicen el chaparro por su estatura."
    (They always call him the short one because of his height.)

  3. "Aunque es chaparro, tiene un gran corazón."
    (Even though he’s short, he has a big heart.)

  4. "En el equipo, el chaparro es el más rápido."
    (In the team, the short one is the fastest.)


The term "chaparro" traces its origins back to the Spanish word "chapar," which means "to stump" or "to chop off," indicating something that is cut off at the top, metaphorically suggesting smallness or shortness.

Synonyms and Antonyms
