chapo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chapo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chapo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "chapo" is primarily used to denote a person of short stature, often in a colloquial or affectionate manner. It is particularly prevalent in certain regions of Latin America and can imply an informal, friendly relationship. The term does not carry a negative connotation when used in familiar contexts. It is often more common in spoken language than in written texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El chapo salió a jugar fútbol con sus amigos.
    The shorty went out to play soccer with his friends.

  2. Siempre querré a mi chapo porque es como un hermano para mí.
    I will always love my chap because he is like a brother to me.

  3. Ela es más baja que él, así que la llaman chapo.
    She is shorter than him, so they call her shorty.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "chapo" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions but can be found in some colloquial phrases. However, when paired with other words, it can lead to informal phrases that evoke a playful or light-hearted nature.

  1. Estar con el chapo
    To be with the shorty
    Meaning: To be together with someone small but full of personality, often used when referring affectionately to a friend.

  2. Chapo pero divertido
    Shorty but fun
    Meaning: Used to describe someone who, despite their short stature, has a vibrant and entertaining personality.

  3. No dejes que el chapo se sienta menos
    Don’t let the shorty feel small
    Meaning: To remind others to not belittle those who might feel insecure about their height.


The term "chapo" is derived from the Spanish "chaparro," which means "short" or "stubby." The root can be traced back to the Latin word "cāpālus," meaning "short" or "stunted." The usage reflects the diminutive and informal nature of the word, often expressing affection.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This highlights the colloquial and endearing aspects of language use surrounding "chapo" while demonstrating its regional relevance in Spanish-speaking communities.
