chapucero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chapucero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ʧa.puˈθe.ɾo/ (in Spain) or /ʧa.puˈse.ɾo/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

  1. Sloppy
  2. Careless
  3. Messy

Meaning and Usage

The word "chapucero" describes something that is done in a careless, sloppy, or haphazard manner. It often refers to work that is of poor quality, typically lacking attention to detail or professionalism. This adjective can be applied to various contexts, such as describing a person's work habits, the organization of a place, or the quality of a product.

It is a commonly used term in informal conversations and can often be heard in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in spoken language due to its colloquial nature.

Example Sentences

  1. El trabajo del pintor fue muy chapucero, y ahora las paredes tienen manchas por todas partes.
  2. The painter's work was very sloppy, and now the walls have stains all over the place.

  3. No puedes escribir así en un informe; es muy chapucero y poco profesional.

  4. You can't write like this in a report; it is very careless and unprofessional.

  5. La reparación del coche fue chapucera, así que decidí llevarlo a otro taller.

  6. The car's repair was sloppy, so I decided to take it to another workshop.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "chapucero" is often associated with certain idiomatic expressions that convey a similar message about poor quality or carelessness. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacer un trabajo chapucero.
  2. Meaning: To do a sloppy job.
  3. Sentence: Siempre hace un trabajo chapucero, nunca le puedo confiar tareas importantes.

    • He always does a sloppy job; I can never trust him with important tasks.
  4. Chapucero como un niño.

  5. Meaning: Sloppy like a child (suggesting lack of care).
  6. Sentence: Sus apuntes son chapuceros como un niño, no puedo entender nada.

    • His notes are messy like a child's; I can't understand anything.
  7. Es un chapucero de primera.

  8. Meaning: He is a first-rate slacker (referring to someone who often produces sloppy work).
  9. Sentence: Mi hermano es un chapucero de primera, siempre deja los proyectos a medio hacer.

    • My brother is a first-rate slacker; he always leaves projects half-done.
  10. No seas chapucero en la cocina.

  11. Meaning: Don't be sloppy in the kitchen.
  12. Sentence: No seas chapucero en la cocina; eso puede llevar a un desastre.
    • Don't be careless in the kitchen; that could lead to a disaster.


The term "chapucero" is derived from "chapuza," which refers to sloppy work or a botched job. The roots of "chapuza" are uncertain, but it is believed to be of Spanish origin, possibly related to words that denote messiness or disorganization.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Desaliñado (unkempt)
  2. Descuidado (neglected)
  3. Torpe (clumsy)


  1. Cuidadoso (careful)
  2. Meticuloso (meticulous)
  3. Ordenado (organized)
