chapuza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chapuza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ʧaˈpuθa/ (in Spain) or /ʧaˈpuza/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Chapuza" refers to something that is done poorly or in a clumsy manner, often indicating a lack of skill, care, or thoroughness. It is commonly used in colloquial conversations in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries to describe work that is substandard or poorly executed. The frequency of use is more prevalent in oral speech, especially in informal conversations, although it can also appear in written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Esa reparación fue una chapuza, no duró ni una semana.
  2. That repair was a botch; it didn't last even a week.

  3. No puedes hacer una chapuza en tu proyecto final.

  4. You can't do a slapdash job on your final project.

  5. La chapuza del electricista dejó todos los cables expuestos.

  6. The mess the electrician made left all the wires exposed.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chapuza" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, primarily to highlight poor workmanship or negligence in tasks. Below are a few examples of idiomatic expressions and their usage:

  1. "Hacer una chapuza"
  2. Signify making a poor job of something.
  3. Ejemplo: No deberías hacer una chapuza en tu currículum.

    • You shouldn't mess up your resume.
  4. "Convertirse en una chapuza"

  5. Refers to turning something into a mess.
  6. Ejemplo: El proyecto se convirtió en una chapuza después de una semana de trabajo.

    • The project turned into a mess after a week of work.
  7. "Salió todo como una chapuza"

  8. Meaning everything turned out poorly.
  9. Ejemplo: Salió todo como una chapuza por no planearlo bien.

    • Everything turned out like a botch for not planning it well.
  10. "Tener una chapuza en manos"

  11. To have a botch on hand, implying dealing with a poorly done task.
  12. Ejemplo: Tengo una chapuza en manos que necesito arreglar antes de la reunión.
    • I have a mess on my hands that I need to fix before the meeting.


The term "chapuza" is derived from the Spanish verb "chapuzar," which means to splash or to mix carelessly, reflecting the casual or careless nature associated with the poor execution of a task. It originated in informal contexts, and its use has spread across various Spanish-speaking regions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desastre (disaster) - Torpeza (clumsiness) - Incompetencia (incompetence)

Antonyms: - Maestría (mastery) - Pericia (expertise) - Calidad (quality)

This comprehensive overview provides insight into understanding "chapuza," its usage, and its relevance in the Spanish language.
