chaquetear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chaquetear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chaquetear" generally refers to the act of covering or coating something, often with a layer or material that acts as a protective covering. The word is primarily used in contexts related to food (like coating fish or meat) or in construction (covering walls). It is considered a colloquial term and may not appear frequently in formal texts.

The frequency of use can vary, but it is more common in oral speech within specific contexts in Cuba and among communities familiar with culinary or construction terminology.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a chaquetear el pescado antes de freírlo.
    I am going to coat the fish before frying it.

  2. Es importante chaquetear la pared con una buena pintura para protegerla.
    It is important to cover the wall with a good paint to protect it.

  3. Chaqueteamos el pollo con una mezcla de especias.
    We coated the chicken with a mixture of spices.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chaquetear" may not have widespread idiomatic expressions, it can be found in a few contexts highlighting the act of covering or protecting. Here are some phrases where it might be used:

  1. No te olvides de chaquetear la carne si la vas a guardar por mucho tiempo.
    Don't forget to coat the meat if you're going to store it for a long time.

  2. Hay que chaquetear los cables expuestos para evitar accidentes.
    We need to cover the exposed wires to avoid accidents.

  3. A veces hay que chaquetear las malas noticias con un poco de humor.
    Sometimes you have to coat bad news with a bit of humor.

  4. Ella siempre chaquetea sus proyectos con coloridos gráficos.
    She always covers her projects with colorful graphics.


The term "chaquetear" comes from "chaqueta," which means "jacket." The verb form signifies the action of putting something on or covering it, akin to how a jacket covers the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms


