charca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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charca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "charca" refers to a small body of water, typically shallow and often stagnant, found in natural settings. It is commonly used to describe puddles or ponds that collect rainwater. "Charca" is frequently employed in both written and oral contexts, particularly in discussions related to nature, ecology, or environmental science. However, it might be used more in written contexts when describing landscapes or habitats.

Example Sentences

  1. La charca estaba llena de ranas en primavera.
    (The pond was full of frogs in the spring.)

  2. En la charca se puede ver reflejado el cielo.
    (In the pool, the sky can be seen reflected.)

  3. Los niños jugaron cerca de la charca durante toda la tarde.
    (The children played near the pond all afternoon.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "charca" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with certain regional sayings or metaphors in Spanish-speaking communities that refer to stagnation or stillness.

  1. Estar en la charca.
    (To be in the pond.)
    This expression can imply being in a situation that is stagnant or not progressing.
  2. Example: Después de tanto tiempo sin trabajo, siento que estoy en la charca.
    (After such a long time without a job, I feel like I'm in a stagnation.)

  3. Hacer charca de aguas.
    (To make a pool of water.)
    This can refer to creating a situation that leads to complications or troubles.

  4. Example: Si sigues haciendo charca de aguas, terminarás en problemas.
    (If you keep creating complications, you will end up in trouble.)

  5. Nadar en la charca.
    (To swim in the pond.)
    This can suggest engaging in situations where one's efforts seem to be futile or unproductive.

  6. Example: A veces siento que estoy nadando en la charca sin avanzar.
    (Sometimes I feel like I'm swimming in the pond without making progress.)


The word "charca" comes from the Latin "carica," which refers to a watering hole or marshy area. It has evolved in the Spanish language to refer specifically to small ponds or pools.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive view of the term "charca" provides insights into its meaning, usage, and relevance in both linguistic and cultural contexts.
