charretera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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charretera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Charretera is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The term charretera refers to a decorative shoulder piece or strap worn on military uniforms, typically indicating rank or distinguishing a particular outfit. It is predominantly used in military parlance but can also appear in contexts involving ceremonial dress or formal attire. While it can be used in both oral and written contexts, it is more frequently found in formal documents or discussions, such as military regulations or descriptions of uniforms.

Example Sentences

  1. El oficial llevó una charretera dorada en su uniforme.
    The officer wore a gold epaulet on his uniform.

  2. Las charreteras de los soldados indican su rango y unit.
    The soldiers' epaulettes indicate their rank and unit.

  3. Ella ajustó la charretera antes de presentarse en la ceremonia.
    She adjusted the shoulder strap before appearing at the ceremony.

Idiomatic Expressions

While charretera is primarily used in relation to military uniforms, it can also be part of idiomatic expressions, especially in the context of rank, authority, or pride. Here are sentences utilizing the concept of charretera in a broader idiomatic sense:

  1. No debe sorprenderse si su jefe siempre muestra sus charreteras en la reunión.
    You shouldn't be surprised if your boss always shows off his ranks in the meeting.

  2. Cuando obtienes una promoción, sientes que tu charretera ha crecido.
    When you get a promotion, you feel that your rank has grown.

  3. En el ejército, las charreteras son símbolo de respeto y dedicación.
    In the army, the epaulettes are a symbol of respect and dedication.

  4. No es fácil llevar las charreteras que te imponen en el trabajo.
    It's not easy to bear the responsibilities that come with your position at work.


The word charretera is derived from the Spanish noun charra, which historically referred to a style of dress associated with horsemen in Spain, particularly in the regions of Castile and León. Over time, charretera evolved to signify the shoulder pieces that became a mainstay in military and formal uniforms.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hombre de guerra (military person) - Insignia (insignia or badge when referring to rank)

Antonyms: - Despojo (removal of rank or decoration) - Indisciplina (indiscipline, when referring to lack of order that might indicate absence of rank)

This comprehensive overview captures the term charretera in detail, including its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related terms.
