chasco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chasco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "chasco" is commonly used in Spanish to refer to a disappointment, setback, or an unexpected negative outcome. It signifies an experience that does not meet expectations, often leading to feelings of frustration or disillusionment.

In terms of frequency, "chasco" is a term that is used fairly regularly in both oral and written contexts, though it might be more prevalent in casual conversations, particularly when discussing personal experiences.

Example Sentences

  1. ¡Menudo chasco me llevé al ver que el evento fue cancelado!
    What a disappointment I had when I saw that the event was canceled!

  2. Pensé que ganaríamos el partido, pero fue un chasco total.
    I thought we would win the match, but it was a total setback.

  3. No puedo creer que él me dijera eso. Fue un chasco muy grande para mí.
    I can't believe he said that to me. It was a very big disappointment for me.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chasco" is frequently used in various expressions that highlight themes of disappointment or unexpected outcomes. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving "chasco":

  1. Dar un chasco
    To give a blow/disappointment.
  2. El examen me dio un chasco inesperado.
    The exam gave me an unexpected disappointment.

  3. Llevarse un chasco
    To take a disappointment.

  4. Me llevé un chasco al descubrir que el viaje fue cancelado.
    I took a disappointment upon discovering that the trip was canceled.

  5. Un chasco monumental
    A monumental disappointment.

  6. El final de la serie fue un chasco monumental.
    The series finale was a monumental disappointment.

  7. Chasco tras chasco
    Disappointment after disappointment.

  8. Este año ha sido chasco tras chasco para mí.
    This year has been disappointment after disappointment for me.

  9. Caer en un chasco
    To fall into disappointment.

  10. Caí en un chasco al ver que mis amigos no aparecieron.
    I fell into disappointment when I saw that my friends didn't show up.


The word "chasco" originates from the Spanish verb "chascar," which means "to snap" or "to crack." The connection to disappointment may derive from the sensation of something ‘breaking’ or a sudden stop in expectations, similar to the suddenness of a snap.


