chasis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chasis (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Chasis is a masculine noun (el chasis).

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term chasis refers to the base frame of a vehicle or structure, which supports the body and various components, such as the wheels, engine, and suspension in automobiles. In broader contexts, it can also refer to the framework of different mechanical devices and setups.

Frequency of use is quite high in technical and engineering circles, especially in discussions about vehicles, machinery, or electronics. It is primarily used in written contexts such as manuals, technical documents, and specifications, although it may also appear in oral discussions among professionals.

Example Sentences

  1. El chasis del coche necesita ser reparado para garantizar la seguridad.
    The chassis of the car needs to be repaired to ensure safety.

  2. Los ingenieros diseñaron un nuevo chasis más ligero para mejorar la eficiencia del vehículo.
    The engineers designed a new, lighter chassis to improve the vehicle's efficiency.

  3. El chasis de la computadora es fundamental para su funcionamiento.
    The chassis of the computer is essential for its functioning.

Idiomatic Expressions Using "Chasis"

While the term chasis isn’t commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of some colloquial phrases in specific contexts, particularly in engineering or automotive terms.

  1. "El chasis es el corazón del coche."
    The chassis is the heart of the car.

  2. "Sin un buen chasis, ni el mejor motor funcionará."
    Without a good chassis, even the best engine won't work.

  3. "Cada error en el diseño del chasis puede resultar en graves fallas."
    Every error in chassis design can result in serious failures.


The word chasis is derived from the French word "châssis," which also refers to the frame or structure of a vehicle or similar apparatus. It has roots in the Latin word “cathedra,” which means seat or chair, denoting the support structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Estructura (structure) - Marco (frame) - Bastidor (framework)

Antonyms: - Cuerpo (body) - in the context of a vehicle’s body as opposed to the frame. - Interior (interior) - referring to the inside components as opposed to the external structure.
