chasquear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chasquear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word chasquear is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

Chasquear refers to the action of producing a sharp sound by quickly snapping or clicking something. Its most common usage is in reference to snapping fingers or cracking something. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, often in informal conversations, but can also appear in literary and poetic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Chasquear los dedos es una forma de llamar la atención.
    Snapping the fingers is a way to grab attention.

  2. El sonido de la madera al chasquear era ensordecedor.
    The sound of the wood cracking was deafening.

  3. Juan quiere chasquear los dedos para pedir la cuenta en el restaurante.
    Juan wants to snap his fingers to ask for the bill at the restaurant.

Idiomatic Expressions

Chasquear is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, but its root concept appears in a few popular phrases:

  1. Chasquear los dedos como si nada.
    To snap one's fingers as if nothing.
    This expression is often used to indicate that someone is dismissing something lightly or acting as though a challenging task could be resolved effortlessly.

  2. Algunos intendentes chasquean los dedos y logran lo que desean.
    Some mayors snap their fingers and get what they want.
    This typically implies the notion of having power or influence that allows someone to easily achieve their goals or desires.

  3. No te engañes, no puedes chasquear los dedos y esperar cambios.
    Don't be fooled, you can't just snap your fingers and expect changes.
    This phrase warns against expecting instant results without effort or work.


The word chasquear derives from the Spanish noun "chasquido," which refers to the sharp sound produced by snapping or cracking. The root "chas-" suggests a rapid or sudden action, while the ending "-ear" indicates the process of performing that action.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Estallar (to burst) - Crujir (to crunch or creak) - Clic (to click, in certain contexts)

Antonyms: - Silenciar (to silence) - Callar (to quiet)

Overall, chasquear is a versatile verb most commonly associated with creating sharp sounds, particularly in social interactions, and its nuances can convey various attitudes from lightness to authority.
