chasquido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chasquido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word chasquido refers to a sharp, quick sound, similar to a snap or crack. In a medical context, it can be used to describe a specific sound made by a joint (like clicking or popping). In the field of linguistics, it can refer to specific sounds made in speech.

Frequency of Use: - The word chasquido is relatively common in both spoken and written contexts, especially when describing sounds in everyday conversation or medical scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. El chasquido de los dedos fue suficiente para captar la atención de todos.
    The snap of the fingers was enough to catch everyone's attention.

  2. Escuché un chasquido proveniente de mi rodilla al levantarme.
    I heard a click coming from my knee when I got up.

  3. El chasquido del micrófono interrumpió la presentación.
    The crackle of the microphone interrupted the presentation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While chasquido doesn't have specific idiomatic expressions associated with it, it is important to note how often it appears in verbal expressions describing quick sounds. Below are sentences incorporating similar sounds:

  1. A veces, un chasquido en la noche puede ser suficiente para asustarte.
    Sometimes, a snap in the night can be enough to scare you.

  2. El chasquido del fuego crepitando añade un ambiente acogedor a la habitación.
    The crackle of the fire adds a cozy atmosphere to the room.

  3. Los chiquillos se divierten haciendo chasquidos con las palmas.
    The kids have fun making snaps with their palms.

  4. El chasquido de la puerta al cerrarse resonó en el pasillo.
    The click of the door closing echoed in the hallway.

  5. Al caer la rama, se oyó un chasquido que alertó a todos.
    When the branch fell, a snap was heard that alerted everyone.


The term chasquido comes from the Spanish verb "chasquear," which means to snap or crack. It derives from the Latin "crepāre," meaning "to crack" or "to break." The prefix "chas-" imitates the sound it describes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sonido (sound) - Ruido (noise) - Estallido (burst)

Antonyms: - Silencio (silence) - Quietud (quietness) - Calma (calm)

This structured approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the word chasquido, its usage, and its significance in different contexts.
