chata - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chata (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective / Noun

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "chata" is used primarily in South America, particularly in countries like Argentina and Uruguay. It typically describes something that is flat, either in reference to physical objects or figuratively regarding feelings or ideas. The word can also refer to a type of boat that has a flat bottom, commonly used in shallow waters.

In everyday conversation, "chata" is often used in both oral and written contexts, but it leans slightly more towards oral usage due to its informal nature. It is frequently employed in casual conversations and regional dialects.

Example Sentences

  1. La mesa es muy chata y no tiene altura.
    (The table is very flat and has no height.)

  2. Ese barco es una chata, ideal para navegar por ríos.
    (That boat is a flat-bottomed vessel, ideal for navigating rivers.)

  3. Me siento chata después de tantas malas noticias.
    (I feel flat after so much bad news.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chata" is found in several idiomatic expressions within regional dialects. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar chato - This expression means to feel down or deflated emotionally.
  2. Hoy me siento muy chato por la discusión que tuve.
    (Today I feel very down because of the argument I had.)

  3. Ser una chata - This refers to a person who is insipid or lacking excitement.

  4. No seas una chata; ¡anímate un poco!
    (Don't be so flat; cheer up a bit!)

  5. Chata de base - Often used to describe someone who is straightforward and honest, perhaps to a fault.

  6. Esa chica es una chata de base, siempre dice lo que piensa.
    (That girl is straightforward; she always says what she thinks.)


The word "chata" likely originates from the Latin word "platus", meaning flat. Over time, it evolved in various languages and dialects but maintained a consistent usage related to flatness.



In summary, "chata" is a versatile term predominantly used in South American contexts, where it conveys meanings of flatness both literally and metaphorically, with the potential for various uses in idiomatic expressions, reflecting emotional states and personality traits.
