chatarra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chatarra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The Spanish word "chatarra" refers to unwanted or discarded materials, often metal scraps. It can also denote something that is of little value or quality. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions regarding recycling, waste management, and general cleanliness. Its frequency of use can vary by region, but it is commonly understood across Spanish-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

  1. "La chatarra se puede reciclar para hacer nuevos productos."
    "Junk can be recycled to make new products."

  2. "No dejes la chatarra en el patio, por favor."
    "Please don't leave the trash in the yard."

  3. "Los compradores de chatarra a menudo pagan bien por los metales."
    "Scrap buyers often pay well for metals."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chatarra" is used in various idiomatic expressions as well.

  1. "Tirar la chatarra"
    Meaning: To get rid of something worthless or unnecessary.
    Example: "Decidí tirar la chatarra que solo ocupaba espacio en mi casa."
    "I decided to get rid of the junk that was just taking up space in my house."

  2. "De chatarra"
    Meaning: Referring to something that is broken or of poor quality.
    Example: "Ese coche es de chatarra, ya no sirve para nada."
    "That car is junk; it doesn't work for anything anymore."

  3. "Hacer chatarra"
    Meaning: To waste something or to render it useless.
    Example: "Con el tiempo, se ha hecho chatarra todo lo que construyeron."
    "Over time, everything they built has become junk."


The term "chatarra" comes from the Latin word "catarra," meaning "a defective or broken item." The evolution of the word reflects its usage in contexts related to waste and scrap materials.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Basura (garbage) - Desecho (waste) - Residuos (residues)

- Tesoro (treasure) - Valor (value) - Bien (good)

In summary, "chatarra" is a versatile term in Spanish used to reference junk or waste materials, featuring in both everyday language and specific idiomatic expressions. Its understanding is crucial in contexts related to recycling and waste management.
