chaval - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chaval (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "chaval" is a colloquial term often used to refer to a young boy or kid, primarily in Spain and certain parts of Latin America, including Puerto Rico. It is commonly used in informal settings, making it more frequent in oral speech than in written contexts. The term conveys a sense of familiarity and often denotes a playful or affectionate attitude towards a young male.

In Puerto Rico, "chaval" may also carry connotations of being carefree or juvenile, and it can be used in a light-hearted context among friends.

Frequency of Use

"Chaval" is used frequently in everyday informal conversation, particularly among younger generations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ese chaval siempre llega tarde a la escuela.
    "That kid always arrives late to school."

  2. Cuando era chaval, me encantaba jugar en la calle.
    "When I was a boy, I loved to play in the street."

  3. El chaval nuevo parece muy simpático.
    "The new lad seems very nice."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chaval" itself may not appear often in fixed idiomatic expressions, it can combine with other words to form informal phrases that convey feelings or situations related to youth or behavior associated with being a young male.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No te preocupes, es solo un chaval travieso.
    "Don't worry, he's just a mischievous kid."

  2. Ese chaval tiene mucha energía, como un torbellino.
    "That kid has a lot of energy, like a whirlwind."

  3. Siempre está de broma, ese chaval es una máquina.
    "He's always joking around, that lad is a machine."

  4. Al chaval lo pillaron haciendo travesuras.
    "The kid was caught doing pranks."

  5. Me recuerda a un chaval de mi infancia.
    "He reminds me of a kid from my childhood."


The term "chaval" is derived from the Spanish word "chavalo," which itself comes from the Vulgar Latin "cavallus," meaning a young horse or a colt. Over time, it evolved to refer specifically to young boys or kids, reflecting a youthful, playful connotation.

Synonyms and Antonyms


