chequeo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chequeo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chequeo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Check
  2. Examination
  3. Review

Meaning and Usage

The term "chequeo" refers to the act of checking or reviewing something, often in the context of examinations or assessments. It is commonly used in various fields such as medicine, where it may refer to a medical examination, or in economics, where it might refer to a review of financial documents.

The word is moderately frequent in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to appear more often in written contexts, particularly in medical or technical documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante hacer un chequeo médico anual.
  2. It is important to have an annual medical check-up.

  3. El chequeo de documentos financieros aseguró que todo estaba en orden.

  4. The review of financial documents ensured that everything was in order.

  5. Realicé un chequeo de la maquinaria antes de comenzar la producción.

  6. I performed a check of the machinery before starting production.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "chequeo" is not typically the center of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it is often associated with various phrases related to monitoring or reviewing.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. El chequeo previo a la misión es crucial para evitar errores.
  2. The pre-mission check is crucial to avoid mistakes.

  3. Necesitamos un chequeo exhaustivo de los protocolos de seguridad.

  4. We need a thorough review of the security protocols.

  5. Después del chequeo rutinario, se encontraron algunas irregularidades.

  6. After the routine check, some irregularities were found.


The word "chequeo" comes from the verbo "chequear," which is derived from the English "to check." It reflects the action of performing a check on something, especially in terms of assessment or examination.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Revisión (review) - Examen (examination) - Inspección (inspection)

Antonyms: - Descuido (neglect) - Confusión (confusion) - Ignorancia (ignorance)

This comprehensive breakdown provides ample information on the word "chequeo" across various domains and uses within the Spanish language.
