chicho - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chicho (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Chicho" is a colloquial term often used in various Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a young boy or a child. It conveys a sense of familiarity and endearment. The term can be used in both informal settings, typically in conversation among friends and family, and in some written contexts, such as informal letters or social media posts. Its frequency of use can vary by region but tends to be common in casual communication.

Example Sentences

  1. El chicho salió a jugar con sus amigos.
    The kid went out to play with his friends.

  2. Ese chicho siempre me hace reír.
    That little boy always makes me laugh.

  3. No te preocupes, el chicho está a salvo.
    Don't worry, the child is safe.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chicho" can also appear in various idiomatic expressions, though it isn't exclusively tied to specific phrases. Here are some examples:

  1. No seas chicho
    Don't be a kid.
    (Meaning: Don't act immaturely or foolishly.)

  2. El chicho de la clase siempre destaca.
    The kid in the class always stands out.
    (Referring to a child who excels or is very noticeable.)

  3. Ese chicho tiene muchas aventuras.
    That boy has many adventures.
    (Implying that the child has an exciting or eventful life.)


The term "chicho" likely hails from a diminutive form in Spanish, commonly utilized to express affection or endearment toward younger individuals (with "-ito" or "-illo" being common suffixes). Its usage can be traced back to various regional variations within the Spanish-speaking world, where it has developed distinct nuances in meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms



"Chicho" is a versatile colloquial term that reflects affection and familiarity in addressing young boys or children within informal contexts in the Spanish language. Its use in everyday conversation highlights the bond and closeness between speakers and their audiences, especially in familial or friendly settings.
