chifla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chifla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chifla" is typically used as a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "chifla" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

The verb "chifla" can be translated into English as: - whistle - chirp - flutter (in some contexts)

Meaning and Use

"Chifla" derives from the verb "chiflar," which means to whistle or to make a sound like a bird. In various contexts, particularly in Mexico, it can refer to anything from whistling to expressing joy or excitement through this sound. The frequency of use is moderate in oral speech as it is a common expression to describe the act of whistling, particularly during social interactions like celebrations, but it can also be found in written contexts such as literature or commentary.

Example Sentences

  1. "Él chifla cuando está contento."
    "He whistles when he is happy."

  2. "No me chifles, por favor."
    "Please don’t whistle at me."

  3. "Mientras caminábamos por el bosque, ella chifla alegremente."
    "As we walked through the forest, she whistled cheerfully."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chifla" is found in several idiomatic expressions, especially in colloquial language. Here are some that include the root verb "chiflar" or its variations:


The verb "chiflar" comes from the mid-20th century colloquial language, with influences from various regional uses in Latin America. It is thought to originate from the sound associated with whistling and possibly related to regional expressions of joy or attention.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Silbar (to whistle) - Pitar (to blow a whistle)

Antonyms: - Callar (to silence) - Silenciar (to silence)

This detailed exploration of "chifla" reveals its versatility and cultural significance within the Spanish language, particularly in the context of expressing emotions through sounds.
