chihuahua - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chihuahua (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Chihuahua (the breed of dog)
  2. Chihuahua (the state in Mexico)
  3. Chihuahua (the city in Mexico)

Meaning and Usage

The term "chihuahua" can refer to both a small breed of dog known for its small size and energetic nature, as well as a geographical reference to a state and a city in Mexico. In terms of usage, it appears frequently in both oral and written contexts but might be more prevalent in informal conversation when referencing the dog breed.

Example Sentences

  1. "Mi amiga tiene un chihuahua que siempre ladra a los desconocidos."
  2. "My friend has a chihuahua that always barks at strangers."

  3. "Voy a visitar el estado de Chihuahua este verano."

  4. "I am going to visit the state of Chihuahua this summer."

  5. "En la ciudad de Chihuahua hay muchos lugares turísticos interesantes."

  6. "In the city of Chihuahua, there are many interesting tourist spots."

Idiomatic Expressions

Although the word "chihuahua" is not typically featured in numerous idioms, it is sometimes utilized in expressions that highlight the characteristics of the breed or the stereotype associated with it.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "No te dejes engañar por su tamaño, es un chihuahua con mucha actitud."
  2. "Don't be fooled by its size; it's a chihuahua with a lot of attitude."

  3. "A veces, los chihuahuas son más valientes que los perros grandes."

  4. "Sometimes, chihuahuas are braver than big dogs."

  5. "Ella siempre lleva a su chihuahua como un accesorio de moda."

  6. "She always carries her chihuahua as a fashion accessory."

  7. "Tener un chihuahua es como tener una pequeña alarma en casa."

  8. "Having a chihuahua is like having a little alarm system at home."


The word "chihuahua" originates from the name of the Mexican state of Chihuahua, which itself is derived from the Nahuatl word "chihuahu", meaning "the place where the water comes out" or "land of the butterflies". The dog breed got its name from this region, where the breed was first recognized.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "chihuahua" is a versatile term in Spanish that refers to both a unique breed of dog and significant geographical locations in Mexico. Its connotation can evoke images of small size and bold personality, whether referring to a pet or a place.
