chilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chilla" is a verb in the Spanish language, specifically the third person singular form of the verb "chillar," which means "to yell" or "to scream."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Chilla" is derived from the verb "chillar," commonly used in everyday conversation across Spanish-speaking countries. The verb typically refers to the act of making a loud sound or scream, whether in pain, excitement, or for attention.

In terms of frequency, "chilla" is often used in informal spoken contexts, making it more prevalent in oral speech than in formal written language. However, it can appear in written narratives, dialogues in literature, and informal writings.

Example Sentences

  1. El niño chilla cada vez que le quitan su juguete.
    (The child yells every time his toy is taken away.)

  2. Cuando se asustó, chilla muy alto.
    (When he got scared, he screamed very loudly.)

  3. La niña chilla de alegría al ver a su madre.
    (The girl screams with joy when she sees her mother.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chilla" itself might not be heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, the underlying verb "chillar" does appear in various phrases in Spanish.

  1. "Chillar como un loco."
    (To yell like a madman.)
    ¡No chilles como un loco, cálmate un poco!
    (Don't yell like a madman, calm down a bit!)

  2. "No chilles, estoy tratando de escuchar."
    (Don't yell, I'm trying to listen.)
    Ella siempre chilla cuando está emocionada.
    (She always yells when she's excited.)

  3. "Chillar a los cuatro vientos."
    (To shout it to the four winds.)
    No es necesario chillar a los cuatro vientos que has ganado el premio.
    (There’s no need to shout to the four winds that you won the prize.)


The verb "chillar" comes from the Latin word "cicalare," which means "to chirp" or "to shout." Over time, it evolved in the Spain's vernacular to refer broadly to high-pitched sounds made by people and animals.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "chilla" in the specified Spanish-speaking contexts, highlighting its meanings, uses, and related expressions.
