chillar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chillar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Chillar" is a verb used primarily in the Spanish language to denote the act of producing a loud noise, often associated with fear, pain, or excitement. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although its use is more prevalent in informal spoken language.

Frequency of Use

The word is frequently used in everyday conversation and narrative contexts. In Spanish-speaking regions like Argentina, Honduras, and Puerto Rico, "chillar" retains its meaning, though there may be slight variations in usage and connotation among these countries.

Example Sentences

  1. Los niños empezaron a chillar cuando vieron al payaso.
    The children started to scream when they saw the clown.

  2. No deberías chillar en el cine; es de mala educación.
    You shouldn't yell in the movie theater; it's bad manners.

  3. La mujer comenzó a chillar al ver al ladrón.
    The woman began to cry out upon seeing the thief.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chillar" is part of several idiomatic expressions and phrases in the Spanish language, often conveying heightened emotions or situations.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Chillar a los cuatro vientos
    To cry out to the four winds (to announce something loudly and publicly)
    Ejemplo: Ella chilla a los cuatro vientos que está embarazada.
    She is shouting from the rooftops that she is pregnant.

  2. Chillar como una niña
    To scream like a girl (used to denote someone overreacting or being overly dramatic)
    Ejemplo: ¡Deja de chillar como una niña y enfréntalo con valentía!
    Stop screaming like a girl and face it bravely!

  3. No chilles, que no hace falta
    Don't scream; it's not necessary.
    Ejemplo: Cuando te sientes frustrado, no chilles, que no hace falta.
    When you feel frustrated, don't yell; it's not necessary.


The word "chillar" originates from the Vulgar Latin term clāmāre, which means "to cry out" or "to shout." This term evolved through Old Spanish before reaching its current form in modern Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive analysis provides insights into the usage, context, and cultural significance of the word "chillar" in various Spanish-speaking environments.
