china - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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china (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "china" in Spanish primarily refers to two contexts: 1. Country: Referring to the People's Republic of China (China). 2. Material: Colloquially, "china" can also mean fine china, porcelain, or earthenware used for dishes and other decorative items.

In terms of frequency, "china" as a referent to the country is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to geography, politics, and economics. The meaning referring to porcelain is more frequently used in everyday conversation, especially regarding household items.

Example Sentences

  1. "Mi amiga viajó a China el año pasado."
    "My friend traveled to China last year."

  2. "Compré una hermosa vajilla de china para la cena."
    "I bought a beautiful china set for dinner."

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "china" itself is not heavily featured in specific idioms, it can be found in phrases and contexts. Below are some expressions where "china" is utilized in colloquial speech:

  1. "Estar en la luna, como China."
    "To be in the moon, like China."
    Meaning: Refers to being daydreaming or distracted.

  2. "No hay China que valga."
    "There is no China that is worth it."
    Meaning: Used to imply that something is not worth the trouble or investment.

  3. "De la china a la china."
    "From china to china."
    Meaning: It refers to a situation that doesn't get better or changes significantly, often used in the context of relationships or tasks.

  4. "¡Está más feliz que un chino!"
    "He's happier than a Chinese!"
    Meaning: Used to describe someone who is extremely happy.


The word "china" comes from the Arabic "ciens" or the Latin "serica," which refer to silk and porcelain products that originated from China. Over time, as trade routes established connections with the East, particularly during the Silk Road period, the term started being commonly used in European languages, including Spanish.


