chinga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chinga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chinga" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for "chinga" is /ˈtʃiŋɡa/.

Translation Options into English

The word "chinga" generally translates to "fuck" or "damn" in English, depending on context. It can also refer to "a situation of great trouble or difficulty."

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chinga" is considered a vulgar term and is often used in colloquial expressions or slang. It has connotations of frustration or annoyance. Its frequency of use varies by region but tends to be more common in oral speech, especially among younger generations and in informal contexts. It is often encountered in conversations among friends and may also emerge in popular culture, such as music and movies.

Example Sentences

  1. No te enojes, no vale la chinga.
    (Don't get angry; it's not worth the trouble.)

  2. Me dieron una chinga en el trabajo hoy.
    (I got a hard time at work today.)

  3. Esa película fue una chinga de aburrimiento.
    (That movie was a damn bore.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "chinga" itself is quite vulgar, it appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish-speaking cultures. Here are some examples:

  1. Chingar a alguien.
    (To fuck someone over.)
    Ejemplo: Me chingaron en el negocio.
    (I got fucked over in the business.)

  2. Chingar la madre.
    (To ruin something completely.)
    Ejemplo: Se chingaron la fiesta al llegar tan tarde.
    (They ruined the party by arriving so late.)

  3. Chingar con algo.
    (To mess with something.)
    Ejemplo: No le chingues a mi coche, por favor.
    (Please don’t mess with my car.)

  4. Chingarte.
    (To mess you up.)
    Ejemplo: Si sigues así, te voy a chingar.
    (If you keep this up, I'm going to mess you up.)

  5. Hacer una chinga.
    (To make something very difficult or complicated.)
    Ejemplo: Hicieron una chinga del proyecto que no se puede entender.
    (They made a mess of the project that can't be understood.)


The word "chinga" likely originates from the verb "chingar," which has varied meanings, often linked to causing trouble or frustration. The exact roots are unclear, but it is believed to stem from older Spanish dialects.

Synonyms and Antonyms


