chingo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chingo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chingo" is primarily used as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In countries such as Venezuela and Central America, "chingo" is often used informally to indicate a large quantity of something. It typically appears in vernacular speech more than in formal writing. Its use is more prevalent in spoken language and is considered conversational.

Example Sentences

  1. Venezolanos siempre dicen que hay un chingo de trabajo por hacer.
    (Venezuelans always say that there is a bunch of work to do.)

  2. La fiesta tuvo un chingo de gente anoche.
    (The party had a lot of people last night.)

  3. Me compré un chingo de ropas nuevas para el viaje.
    (I bought a bunch of new clothes for the trip.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The usage of "chingo" gives rise to several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. It often conveys a sense of exaggeration or emphasis regarding quantity or intensity.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Te juro que tengo un chingo de hambre.
    (I swear I am super hungry.)

  2. No tengo un chingo de tiempo para perder.
    (I don’t have a lot of time to waste.)

  3. En esta ciudad hay un chingo de tráfico siempre.
    (There is a lot of traffic in this city all the time.)

  4. El evento fue un chingo de diversión.
    (The event was a lot of fun.)

  5. Ella se gastó un chingo de dinero en esa tienda.
    (She spent a ton of money in that store.)


The word "chingo" is believed to have its roots in the Mexican Spanish slang, evolving from colloquial expressions in various Central American countries. It’s a part of the informal vernacular and has adapted through regional influences, acquiring different meanings depending on the context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Montón (bunch) - Cantidad (quantity) - Un montón de (a lot of)

Antonyms: - Poca (little) - Escasa (scarce) - Limitada (limited)

The term "chingo" reflects the vibrant and diverse usage of language across different Spanish-speaking regions and the influence of cultural contexts on communication styles.
