chino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chino" is commonly used as an adjective and a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chino" primarily refers to anything related to China or its culture. However, it can also be used colloquially in several South American countries to refer to a person of Asian descent, though it may be considered derogatory in some contexts. In regions like Mexico, "chino" can describe something that is curved, often referring to hair texture. The frequency of use varies by region, with a higher prevalence in oral speech than in written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ese chico es chino y habla muy bien español."
    (That boy is Chinese and speaks Spanish very well.)

  2. "Mi amigo tiene el pelo chino y a veces utiliza productos para alisarlo."
    (My friend has curly hair and sometimes uses products to straighten it.)

  3. "Muchos platos chinos son muy populares en nuestros restaurantes."
    (Many Chinese dishes are very popular in our restaurants.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chino" is featured in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in colloquial speech. Here are some examples:

  1. "No ser un chino."
    (To not be naïve or gullible.)
    This expression implies that one should not be easily fooled or tricked.

  2. "Como un chino en una tienda de porcelana."
    (Like a bull in a china shop.)
    This saying describes a person who is clumsy or careless in a delicate situation.

  3. "Chino de la suerte."
    (Lucky charm.)
    Often refers to tokens or figures believed to bring good luck.

  4. "Ir a un chino."
    (To go to a Chinese restaurant or shop.)
    In some contexts, it implies going for a casual meal or shopping for affordable items.


The term "chino" originates from the Spanish word for "Chinese," which has roots in the Old Spanish "chino" and its connection to "China." Over time, it has evolved to refer not only to cultural aspects but also to physical characteristics such as curly hair.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "Oriental" (though this term is also fraught with controversy). - "Asiático" (Asian).

Antonyms: - Depending on the context, it may not have direct antonyms, but general terms like "occidental" (Western) could serve in some discussions about cultural contrasts.

Overall, "chino" is a multifaceted term in the Spanish language, with varied meanings across different contexts and regions.
